On Thursday 19th October, we hosted a webinar to reveal our updated Roadmap. You can watch the recording of the webinar below:
The new Roadmap can be found at roadmap.inspera.com. We encourage you to take a look and share your feedback to help us shape the future of our products. Previously, we have collected feature requests and feedback on planned capabilities in a variety of different ways. From now on, we want to ensure that all of your greatly appreciated input is funnelled through this one channel.
How to Connect with Inspera
Of course, your existing methods of communication remain the same. Bugs and operational issues should be reported as before to our service desk. Your Account Manager is still your point of contact generally. Our Community is where you can interact with other customers and for those in onboarding, your Onboarding Consultant will continue to guide you through those important initial steps of enhancing your assessments through our ecosystem.
Using Inspera Roadmap
On the site you’ll find two tabs, one called planned and one called released. The released tab contains all of the capabilities we have released since the start of 2023 and we will continue to add items to this as they are made available to you. The planned tab is split into three sections. ‘Now’ represents the capabilities we say – with a high degree of confidence – that we hope to make available over the next three releases. ‘Next’ and ‘Later’ are capabilities where we are still planning or scoping. As we get closer to finalising their content and design, they will move to the now category.
With all of the capabilities, we are interested in your feedback and comments. Clicking on a card on the Roadmap opens a box that allows you to indicate the level of importance that a capability has to you and your context. There’s a free-text field that allows you to send us feedback that we can take into account in understanding how we shape our product.
How Inspera Will Use Your Feedback
We will review all of the comments that are submitted via the Roadmap site to better understand your requirements. Where comments lend themselves to further discussion, we will use a combination of follow ups including our community site for widespread discussion, small group online meetings and individual meetings.
We have all of the comments and previously submitted ideas and have spent time looking through them to better inform our thinking. If you have submitted comments on Roadmap items or feature improvements before, you have a choice of letting your previous comments stand or re-submitting them based on the new information on our Roadmap and perhaps updated context from your institution. Whichever is more convenient to you.
Future Webinars
Our future quarterly webinars will take place in December, March, June and September of each year in the week after the release webinar. We intend to keep to the same format of reviewing the previous quarter and giving you insight into the capabilities in the forthcoming quarter.
Look out for details of our next Roadmap webinar in December 2023 when we will review Q4 and look ahead to Q1 2023. Until then, we look forward to reading your feedback on our new Roadmap.