October 2023 Product Release
Each month we release updates across our products to include the latest features, function and fixes. Below is a summary of what’s in this month’s release and a video containing some big news for our customers!
Centralising Feedback
The importance of constructive timely feedback to candidates after an assessment is a truth universally accepted. What that feedback contains is contextualised to an assessment, the subject and where an assessment sits within a programme. Ensuring that a digital assessment ecosystem allows you to write rich feedback with flexibility to deliver it to candidates at the right time is, therefore, crucial.
With that in mind, we are delighted that the October 2023 release brings two new capabilities into general availability, assessment-wide feedback and control of the candidate report.
Assessment-Wide Feedback
This new capability allows you to author feedback for all candidates who took an assessment. This can be a blend of rich text, audio and an attached file. Rather than writing the same general feedback many times which is both labour intensive and repetitive, a grader can create common feedback addressing:
- Areas of improvement and weaknesses across the cohort.
- Provide feedback and resources on how to improve.
- Attach an examiners report with feedback from all graders and where appropriate, an external examiner.
This, in turn, gives graders more time to craft individual feedback to candidates on their specific submission. The end result is richer feedback for candidates overall. The mixture of formats available suits the preferences of graders and candidates alike. Audio feedback doesn’t just have to be used for oral or spoken assessments. A grader might find it more effective to voice their feedback as a standalone piece or in conjunction with the text they author or file they attach.
Efficient Delivery via a Candidate Report
Rich feedback is unhelpful if the mechanism for delivery is slow or if a candidate can’t easily locate it. Our candidate report centralises feedback from an assessment into a single document that a candidate can easily locate from the candidate dashboard to view online or download as a PDF. This reduces the administrative burden on you to collate and distribute feedback to candidates.
Universal Inclusive Design for Learning
This month we continued to elevate and empower in universal, inclusive design for learning. The ways in which users with and without screen readers and other accessibility tools interact with the Inspera Assessment have improved with additional labels, descriptions, context, ARIA roles, contrast, and tab information.
Continued Improvement to Numeric Simulation
Our numeric simulation capabilities continue to grow in open beta. Now you can use the same variable multiple times within the same response outcomes. This enhancement allows for more flexible evaluation criteria.
Ishan Kolhatkar is Global Client Evangelist at Inspera. Prior to working here, he was a Principal Lecturer in Law, Deputy Dean of Learning and Teaching and Director of Group Education Technology.