What is Diagnostic Assessment?

Components of Diagnostic Assessment

Occur at the outset of a unit, lesson, term, or learning period.
Aim to grasp students’ present standing, pinpointing student strengths and areas requiring enhancement.
Results are used to guide and personalize subsequent instruction.
Usually low stakes.

The Difference Between Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessment

The Benefits of Diagnostic Assessments in Online Learning

Educator Benefits:

Informed Lesson Planning 

Address Individual Needs

Effective Progress Monitoring

Student Benefits

Optimized Learning

Increased Confidence 

Addressing Misconceptions

How to Incorporate Diagnostic Assessment Into Online Learning

Diagnostic assessment seamlessly integrates into online learning, offering numerous effective methods for implementation, including:

Concept Mapping

Polls and Quizzes

Online Scenarios and Simulations

Online Focus Groups and Interviews

Online Surveys

Concept Mapping

Polls and Quizzes

Online Scenarios and Simulations 

Online Focus Groups and Interviews 

Online Surveys

Examples of Diagnostic Assessment

The Challenges of Using Diagnostic Assessment in Online Learning

Could cause student anxiety

Potentially time-consuming for educators

Potential for false inferences

Could Cause Student Anxiety
Potentially Time-Consuming for Educators
Potential for False Inferences

Best Practice for Using Diagnostic Assessment Effectively in Online Learning

1. Choose Appropriate Test Formats and Platforms

2. Apply Subject Area Expertise to Develop Assessment Questions

3. Provide Clear Instructions and Expectations

4. Monitor and Troubleshoot the Test Administration

5. Provide Timely Results and Feedback

6. Action Result Findings in Student Learning

7. Review and Revise Your Test Practices

Closing Thoughts on Online Diagnostic Assessment

Use Inspera to Power Your Online Diagnostic Assessment